Defective Products
Bringing a lawsuit against a company that has manufactured a defective product requires extensive engineering, scientific and medical knowledge and experience. Our firm has the necessary knowledge and experience. Steven M. Weiner has a background in science and is a medical doctor as well as an attorney. Marc Reibman has experience in engineering and has the experience to interface on technical issues with engineers and scientists. Our firm has has successfully handled many cases involving defective products. The products involved in cases that we have handled include:
• table saws
• prosthetic (artificial) hips
• motorcycle helmets
• air bags
• wood chipping machines
• forklifts
• snow making equipment
• compressors
• boom lifts
• home heating furnaces
• luggage carriers

Unfortunately, the victims of defective products often suffer catastrophic life-altering injuries. We have experience working with life care planners, economists and actuaries to obtain meaningful compensation.
If you have been injured by a defective product call us at 718-522-1743 for a free consultation.