Defective & Dangerous Drugs
By now everyone knows that drug companies sometimes rush dangerous drugs to market without adequate testing or keep drugs on the market despite warnings from doctors and patients. Recent drugs that have been shown to be defective include, Celebrex, Vioxx, and Rezulin. Over the years there have been many others including, DES and Benedectin. Drug companies are equally irresponsible with medical devices such as the Dalkon Shield, breast implants and the Shiley heart valve.

Our firm has many years of experience representing victims of dangerous drugs and medical devices. Steven M. Weiner is both a medical doctor and a lawyer and has extensive experience conducting the review and analysis of extensive medical records and publications. Marc Reibman has invaluable insight on these types of cases because he started in practice representing drug manufacturers before he switched to representing the victims of their negligence.
If you believe that you have been injured by a defective drug or medical device call our firm at 718-522-1743 for a free consultation.